Thursday, November 19, 2009

minimalism, say wha!

for the days i feel artsy minimalist (balenciaga)
this is what I'll paint in. I true test! (Carcharel)

the everyday uniform (Celine)

P.S. I thought of the best art assignment, if I were a painting teacher, when I was high last night. Every week for the whole semester the students, including boys (maybe they could paint their toes, but that's easier), would have to paint there nails differently. At the end of each week the students would document and by the end of the semester they'd have this awesome photo book. But, the catch is and why it would be good for a painting class is that if they can paint their nails, including right hand, flawlessly by the end, then they will have the steadiest hand. When actually painting they'd be able to paint anything! It's all about the steady and controlled hand. Of course I would only think of this when I'm high, but I think it's an awesome idea! I'm going to do it myself! Right now I have magenta purple interchanged with a green pewter color. Before I had deep red with dark gray at the tips, and before teal.


  1. love love love love love the silhouette of that last skirt. i want all my skirts to be like that. it's all about the pony legs.

  2. Despite not being a painter, I'm very, very inspired by your nail idea!!!
